The pickling liquid contains vinegar, cassia, ginger, cumin, coriander, cloves, rue, citron leaves, celery leaves, mint, and a sweetener like honey or sugar. The eggs were often dyed with saffron, as was done in the recreation. According to the author of the 13th-century Egyptian treatise, these eggs are particularly good as a side with a cold vinegar stew (سكباج, sikbāj).
Royal preserved lemons (سَنْكَل مَنْكَل, sankal mankal)
The author of a 13th-century cook book claimed to have learned this recipe from concubines at the court of the Ayyubid sultan of Egypt, al-Malik al-‘Adil (1200-1218). It requires a rather unusual citrus fruit called kabbad. However, it works splendidly with whatever large lemons you have to hand. The peel is fried in sesame oil, while the flesh of the lemons is immersed in wine vinegar sweetened with honey or sugar. Other ingredients include (toasted and pounded) hazelnuts, the atraf al-tib spice mix, as well as mint. [Wusla, 2017, No. 8.52]
Wine-soaked ginger conserve (زَنْجَبِيل مُرَبَّى, zanjabil murabba)
This recipe from 10th-century Iraq was recommended for people with cold temperaments. It is not difficult to make and can be enjoyed by itself as a sweet. It is very unusual in that it is one of the rare mediaeval recipes requiring wine, in which to soak the ginger. Afterwards, the ginger is cooked with saffron and honey before adding various spices (e.g. saffron, spikenard, black cardamom and pepper). Although the author suggested storing it for a few months, it tastes quite nice already a few days later!